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Dating or raising a family while working from home

Couples that work from home should both be involved in child care, which means wives need to resist the temptation to be controlling around issues involving the children

Photo credit: Samuel Muigai | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • The hook-up culture via dating apps has also been replaced by a kinder approach in the move to video.
  • Working from home is also leading to big changes in women’s careers, as couples blend family responsibilities .

All around the world, more and more people are now working from home, at least a couple of days a week. They’re also conducting more of their social life online, and meeting more potential dates there.

Mostly, this new way of working grew out of the imposed curfews and lockdowns in the midst of Covid-19, but many of us have come to realise that we prefer this lifestyle, and are consciously choosing careers that make this possible. After all, we’re always connected anyway, and messaging and video has become the norm.

The hook-up culture via dating apps has also been replaced by a kinder approach in the move to video. Conversations are deeper, and couples learn more about each other before they meet. They also reveal much more, even videoing from bedrooms in sloppy clothes. And worse!

But you should still be careful, because online romance isn’t as easy as it seems. There are some definite oddballs out there, so you need to be on the alert for anything that sounds even slightly weird.

You can also use a move online to improve your work-life balance. Choosing to live more simply and to reduce your financial pressures, for example, by living away from expensive areas. Or simply choosing to live somewhere nicer, or perhaps closer to your children’s schools.

Working from home is also fueling another evolving trend. A ‘portfolio career’ consisting of a mix of several activities, such as freelancing, contracting, consulting or training. Part time work at several organisations and occupations can make your whole career more resilient, as you’re no longer dependent on a single employer. Online work can even be global, increasing your opportunities and security even further, as you’re no longer dependent on your local economy. Working from home is also leading to big changes in women’s careers, as couples blend family responsibilities such as caring for children and elderly parents with high powered careers.

Working from home also means you can make your goal the happiness of your family, rather than focusing purely on career objectives. Even so, organising enough time for your family can still be challenging. It’s important to keep your working hours under control, to keep everyone in the loop, and to have a routine for how you’ll spend each week.

Couples that work from home should both be involved in child care, which means wives need to resist the temptation to be controlling around issues involving the children! Discuss how you’ll share the load between you, agree on areas of responsibility such that you each do the jobs that are easiest or most enjoyable for you, and totally let go of responsibilities that your partner is taking on.

Critical success factors include planning time for your individual interests, being selective about social activities and putting your relationship above everything else, especially including time alone as a couple. And don’t underestimate how much even just a few moments spent with your children means to them, even small babies. If planned well, working from home can make your life more rewarding.