Level up your pet care routine this year


Much as you might have trained your pet on some basic commands, adding a few extra skills will make your pet more relaxed and easier to manage, it’s a win-win really.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

We have just kicked off the second month of 2023 so it is safe to say the year is quite young. Now, did you make any new year’s resolutions for your pet?

If it slipped your mind or didn’t occur to you at all, you can still make some. Considering the love and joy that pets bring into our lives, their health and happiness should be a top priority in the year ahead.


One of the resolutions that your pet might enjoy is spending time with them and training them on a new skill. Much as you might have trained your pet on some basic commands, adding a few extra skills will make your pet more relaxed and easier to manage, it’s a win-win really.

In addition to training, you may add new activities that you and your pet love doing. You can incorporate your dog into your exercise routine or even tag them along the next time you go hiking. This will be advantageous to you as you may find yourself achieving your goal of getting more exercise or you might also start experimenting with new activities.

For cats, since you cannot take them hiking, incorporate more play time for them this year. Invest in a few toys like a laser pointers for them love to chase around or a bouncy ball that can take your feline friend off the couch to the floor playing and pouncing around.

Check their health

Another resolution would be to schedule a check-up with your vet even when your pet is not showing signs of illness. Having a veterinarian examine your pet once a year to make sure they are healthy will not cost you much and it will ensure any illnesses are detected early.

Take a fresh look at your pet’s toys and get rid of any old, tatty, tired and bland toys. Fewer and clutter-free toys are a better experience for your pet. You can also make a point of getting them something fun and new to play with.

Lastly, prioritise your pet’s grooming. Brushing your pet’s coat often is also good for you as it reduces the amount of fur that will get transferred to your furniture and it also helps keep the coat looking shiny and healthy. Grooming time is also a bonding time so go ahead and schedule some pet care time regularly.

Maryanne is a pet owner. [email protected]