Enjoy bird watching? Here are ways to invite them to your home


Bird watching is a calming and a therapeutic way to spend your time.

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Bird watching enthusiasts are likely to place bird food strategically in their outdoors to attract birds and watch them up close. Different types of food attract different species of birds. If you then put in place different types of feeders and add a few water sources and throw in a perching place, then you are likely to attract interesting birds all year round.

It is a good idea to feed wild birds. It gives them easy access to food during their migration to different geographical areas, and providing food for them ensures they are covered during harsh months when food is scarce. And it allows you to learn about the various species there are during each season.

Combination of seeds

The best food to give the birds ranges from a combination of seeds, nuts, insects and soft fruits. Your only challenge will be keeping at bay competing wildlife and insects that might eat the feed. A combination of seeds that are good for the birds includes crushed maize, rice, sunflower seeds and millet seeds. You can add crushed eggshells. Human food such as bread and cereals are not highly recommended as they fill up the birds too quickly without giving them much nutritional value. This is because they lack proteins and minerals and young birds may develop deformities if they solely feed on these foods.

Building or buying a bird feeder is your next step. The best bird feeders are based on the type of food you are giving and the variety of birds that you are expecting. There are cylinders for seed feeders, which have a mesh and a tray. Nectar feeds will have a cylinder or a tray design and go for a design that deters insects and squirrels from eating the food. You can also get one which can be hung very close to the windows for indoor viewing.

How frequently you feed the birds will depend on demand, but once a day is recommended initially as you learn how fast the food gets depleted.

The ideal location to place the feeder includes a position where you can view from inside the house but away from predators’ reach or collision with windows. You can place them on the ground if you want to attract birds such as mourning doves, sparrows and juncos. Avoid locations that are busy, say a playground or the driveway. Go for a place that has a little vegetation cover for their sense of protection. You may also decide to have hanging feeds.

Bird watching is a calming and a therapeutic way to spend your time, so go ahead and get some bird feeds.

Maryanne is a pet owner. [email protected]