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Yes, there are ways to increase your manhood, but...


Increasing the size is only recommended for those with a flaccid penis of less than 4cm length.

Photo credit: Fotosearch

What you need to know:

  • The average penis size is 7cm to 10cm in length and 9cm to 10cm circumference when flaccid
  • It is 12cm to 16cm length and 12cm circumference when erect
  • Many people who think that they have a small penis usually have a size that is within the normal range

Dr Flo,
Which pills increase one’s penis size?

Dear Boni,
The average penis size is 7cm to 10cm in length and 9cm to 10cm circumference when flaccid and 12cm to 16cm length and 12cm circumference when erect. Many people who think that they have a small penis usually have a size that is within the normal range. Increasing the size is only recommended for those with a flaccid penis of less than 4cm length or an erect penis of less than 7.5cm length. This decision should be made after consultation with a psychologist and a urologist. The only medical ways of enlarging penis size are through surgery, use of a prosthetic or liposuction, which should be done by a urologist. You should be careful with medication, pills and other treatment methods that are usually advertised as they do not have scientific backing..

Dr Flo,
I take too long to erect I do not know why. Is there any medication I can take? 

Dear Abu,
Having a problem with achieving an erection once in a while is not a cause of concern. However, if it persists, it may be due to either a physical and/or a psychological issue. It may be due to psychological issues like stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems and performance anxiety. You may also have a physical problem that is affecting the quality of your erections such as reduced testosterone levels, heart disease, high cholesterol levels, blocked blood vessels (atherosclerosis), Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, nerve problems, some hypertension medicine, sleep disorders, obesity, alcoholism, smoking or other drugs, injuries to the spinal cord or pelvic region, peyronie’s disease (formation of scar tissue in the penis). You should visit a urologist for adequate follow up, to figure out the source of the problem and a solution. It may also be beneficial to see a mental health professional to explore any possible psychological causes of the dysfunction. Your partner also needs to be very supportive, and they may be included in the sessions. In the meantime, maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, get adequate sleep, avoid alcohol and cigarettes, and manage stress. You may also benefit from pelvic floor exercises. There are medications used to improve the quality of erections. However, they should be used under prescription from the doctor, so that they can weigh the risks versus the benefit of taking the medication.

Dr Flo,
I have a dandruff problem. I have tried many kinds of hair oils and shampoos without any improvement. Is there a solution for this?


Dandruff, otherwise known as seborrhoeic dermatitis, is a skin condition that causes itching and flaky scales.

Photo credit: Fotosearch

Dear Amy,
Dandruff, otherwise known as seborrhoeic dermatitis, is a skin condition that causes itching and flaky scales. It usually affects the scalp, but it can also affect other parts of the body. It has no exact known cause, but it can be caused by stress, having oily skin, a fungal infection and also cold, dry weather. Some medical conditions and medicines can also trigger it. It worsens and gets better over time. You can use shampoos that have ketoconazole or selenium, zinc or salicylic acid. They are usually sold in pharmacies, or can be prescribed by the doctor. Also, take a lot of water, and eat a balanced diet. And try not to scratch your scalp because it can lead to infection. If it continues despite this, visit a dermatologist.

Dr Flo,
What causes skin itchiness after showering? What is the remedy?

Dear Fella,
This is called aquagenic pruritus, which just means itching caused by water, a kind of allergy to water. Contact with water produces an intense itching of the skin, usually with a prickling sensation, without any observable rash or swelling. The symptoms can last anywhere from 10 minutes to two hours. It usually resolves on its own. There is no good reason for it, though sometimes it is associated with blood conditions. Showering with hot water for some people actually prevents the itching because the heat affects the cells (mast cells) that trigger the allergic reaction.  You can use anti-allergy tablets and creams/lotions for the itching, like piriton, though they do not work very well. Avoid using harsh soaps for bathing or harsh detergents for your towels because the chemicals in the soap can also cause the itching; and clean your towel regularly, like once or twice a week, to avoid the growth of bacteria on a damp towel. The condition cannot be cured, unfortunately.


The best way to manage obesity is to reduce calorie intake and increase physical exercise over a long time.

Photo credit: Fotosearch

Dr Flo,
I have always been overweight. I was recently told that my body mass index (BMI) shows I am obese. What can I do?

Dear Faith,
BMI is calculated by dividing weight in kilogrammes by the height in metres squared. It is used to screen for weight that may lead to health issues. Healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. BMI below 18.5 is underweight and above 25 is overweight, above 30 is obese. Unwanted weight gain occurs when there is intake of more calories than the body requires. It is affected by unhealthy diet, inadequate exercise, genetics, hormonal changes, medication, poor sleep, and a slowing down of the body’s metabolism, which means that the body needs less food and less energy to carry out its daily tasks. Obesity is associated with many health issues such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. It may also affect your activity level and lead to psychological issues like low self-esteem. The best way to manage obesity is to reduce calorie intake and increase physical exercise over a long time. See a nutritionist and a physical trainer to help figure this out.

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