Meru MCAs threaten to impeach Governor Kawira Mwangaza again

“Help, Kawira is at it again”, Meru MCAs cry out to Gachagua

Meru County is fast sliding back into political feuding after some MCAs threatened to impeach Governor Kawira Mwangaza and County Secretary Kiambi Atheru when they resume meetings next week.

This follows a standoff between Governor Mwangaza and her deputy, Isaac M'Ethingia.

Governor Mwangaza is also facing political attacks from other politicians, including Senator Kathuri Murungi and some Members of Parliament.

On the one hand, Ms Mwangaza is at loggerheads with Senator Murungi over his recent campaign to keep the county executive in check through a shadow cabinet.

Senator Murungi has convened a consultative meeting of all elected leaders on Saturday, which has local political undertones.

Meanwhile, some MCAs led by Deputy Speaker Ali Mwenda and Minority Leader Mwenda Ithili on Tuesday read the governor the riot act for what they called dictatorship and failure to "change her ways" despite last year's impeachment attempt.

They accuse the governor of using her executive members to undermine and denigrate the deputy governor, as well as intimidating county staff.

Revive talks

The deputy speaker appealed to Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to revive talks, warning that the county government was on the verge of collapse.

"We have come to inform the presidency that the problems that brought us to the Senate last year are still with us. The governor's leadership style is divisive. The negotiating team should go back to the drawing board," said Mr Ali, who is also the MCA for Njia.

He claimed that MCAs who try to keep the government in check are victimised and their wards are denied development projects.

"We also have a County Secretary who acts like a dictator," he said.

Mr Ithili, who is also Akithii MCA, said 65 MCAs were behind them and would impeach the governor if she did not reform.

"The governor lacks leadership skills and is only focused on 2027 politics. She has been attacking any leader she perceives as her enemy. We will start by impeaching the county secretary next week," said Mr Ithili.

Ms Sarah Gakii, a nominated MCA, accused the executive of supporting a petition by a resident to dissolve the county public service board for not being properly constituted.

Governor Kawira Mwangaza has maintained that she was being opposed for being firm on the use of county resources.

Members of the executive last week attacked the deputy governor, accusing him of failing to defend the government.