Kilifi County bans distribution, sale of muguka


Muguka traders display their wares in Nakuru City.

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

Kilifi County government has prohibited the entry, transportation, distribution, sale, and use of muguka within its territory, becoming the second county after Mombasa to implement the ban.

This comes as Kwale proposes to increase levies to those handling the substance. 

Through Executive Order No. 1 of 2024, Governor Gideon Mung’aro became the second County in the Coast region to ban muguka within Killifi County. 

"In exercise of the powers conferred in Section 30(2)(1) of the County Government Act and all other enabling laws of Kenya, I order and direct that, there be a total prohibition on the entry, transportation, distribution, sale, and use of muguka and its products within Kilifi County," said Mr Mung'aro in his social media group.

He directed all outlets, whether in the form of retail or wholesale, selling and/or distributing Muguka within the county to be closed immediately and/or stop the sale of Muguka and its products. 

Mr Mung’aro said motor vehicles transporting Muguka shall not be allowed entry into Kilifi County. 

"That county departments and their agencies are directed to enforce this order without exception," he added.

The county boss directed all the Kilifi County enforcement officers through the Directorate of enforcement to ensure the order was enforced in totality.

"Any officer found colluding with culprits will face the law and all the disciplinary actions there are," said Mr Mung'aro.

This comes just a day after Governor Abdulswamad Nassir banned the entry, transportation, distribution, sale, and use of muguka within Mombasa County. 

Mr Nassir issued an Executive Order prohibiting the entry, transportation, distribution, sale and use of muguka and its products within the county. 

All shops selling the products ordered shut. He argues that the order is based on the power vested in counties to regulate trade licensing.

Taita Taveta Governor Andrew Mwadime also pledged to ban the leaves grown in Embu County. 

In Kwale, residents want the county boss Fatuma Achani to increase cess charges for muguka and miraa.

During a Kwale Finance Bill 2024 public participation forum in Mwereni, Mwavumbo, Tsimba Golini and Kubo South residents proposed new rates for muguka.

They demanded an increment of the muguka charges from Sh10,000 to Sh100,000 per vehicle entering the county. The move, the residents said, will regulate muguka and miraa businesses in the county.