Magadi-Kiserian road: A death trap for motorists

Magadi-Kiserian road

A section of damaged Kiserian-Magadi road at the Kamukuru stretch near the General Service Unit (GSU) camp.

Photo credit: Stanley Ngotho | Nation Media Group

Residents of Magadi division in Kajiado West sub-County have expressed over the deplorable state of the Kiserian-Magadi road.

In the last month, the single-lane road has become almost impassable following rains in the area.

Residents claim the road has turned into a death trap for motorists, especially during the rainy seasons. Several motorists are said to have been swept away by the floods in the past.

The residents now fear the rainy season in April could result in more fatalities on the badly damaged road.

"The floods that were recently experienced in this area damaged the road extensively. In the past, we have lost motorists to the floods on this narrow road. The authorities should swiftly address this matter,” said Mr James Nkanas, a resident of Esonorua.

Apart from the huge potholes, some sections of the road at Kamukuru, near the General Service Unit (GSU) camp, have almost completely been washed away, leaving deep trenches on the shoulders of the road.

The road connects Magadi Tata Chemicals Company to the remote villages Southwest of the vast sub-County.

Magadi-Kiserian road

Road signage warning motorists and road users of deep trenches on a section of the Kiserian-Magadi road near the General Service Unit camp.

Photo credit: Stanley Ngotho | Nation Media Group

The road also serves communities living in the semi-arid Nkurumani highlands known for multi-million shillings livestock trade and agri-business.

On several occasions in the past, Tata Chemicals Company and Kenya Rural Road Authorities have rehabilitated the road, only for it to be damaged by floods.

Now, residents are demanding a permanent solution to the problem, considering seasonal rivers flow across several points of the road during the rainy seasons.

"We want bridges to be built at strategic points along the road where seasonal rivers flow across. Without proper drainage, this problem will persist,” one resident said.

Three weeks ago, a section of the road at Kamukuru area was submerged by floods. The lowland known as Kamukuru is the natural outlet where all waters from Mau-Narok drain into Lake Magadi and partly into Lake Natron via River Ewaso Nyiro.

Here, raging flood waters are a frequent occurrence during the rainy season.