Police probe shooting of a man who went to Isiolo hospital with a bullet wound

Isiolo Hospital

The entrance to Isiolo Referral Hospital where a man is nursing gunshot injuries after he was shot by unknown criminals in Merti sub-county.

Photo credit: Waweru Wairimu I Nation Media Group

A man is nursing gunshot injuries at Isiolo Referral Hospital after he was shot by unknown criminals in Merti sub-county.

Officers from the Biliqo police post were alerted after Mr Mohamed Kara Olufu showed up at a local dispensary with gunshot injuries on Sunday night.

County Police Commander Hassan Barua said they were investigating how the man suffered a fracture in his left leg.

Piecing information

Mr Barua said the victim told officers that he was shot while walking home.

“We are piecing information together to establish what transpired and if the man was shot while walking as he claims,” Mr Barua said, calling the shooting an isolated incident.

Police are also looking into the possibility that the man might have been involved in a gunfight with criminals and if so, why.

Mr Barua appealed to the public to volunteer information that could aid in the probe.