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Man beats up Bungoma musician for supporting DP Ruto

David Sakari (centre in flag attire) entertains members of the public at a past event. He was clobbered by a local resident for supporting DP Ruto.

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • The short statured performer is remembered for having been awarded a customised vehicle for the disabled by Dr Ruto in 2016.

Police in Webuye have launched a manhunt for a handshake supporter who reportedly assaulted a musician for backing Deputy President William Ruto. 

Bungoma East police boss Valarian Obore said police are looking for Mr Bernard Wakamala, alias Jaramogi, for clobbering Mr David Sakari, who usually performs in Webuye Juakali band troupe led by Kimilili MCA David Barasa.

The short statured performer is remembered for having been awarded a customised vehicle for the disabled by Dr Ruto in 2016.

Mr Obore said Mr Sakari was assaulted at Satellite Hotel in Webuye town on Friday night after praising the DP.

"He took a beer bottle and hit me on the head twice. I bled profusely before friends took me to Webuye Sub County Hospital, where I was treated and discharged," said Mr Sakari.

Bungoma Musicians Association Chairman Kasembeli Watila condemned the incident and called on the police to speed up investigations and arrest the suspect.