What’s the best security option for your phone?
Your phone is either a store or a gateway to your digital assets, which are numerous. Various methods are available for locking your phone; some are solid and secure, while others are easy to break.
To authenticate ownership of a phone, you can use biometric methods, such as scanning your finger on the screen or using your face. Alternatively, non-biometric methods, including Pins, lock patterns, and passwords, are widely used to verify identity. These methods have strengths and weaknesses.
To unlock with a phone pattern, you must join four to nine dots horizontally, vertically or diagonally. It’s easy to use because swiping gestures feel natural. Once you’ve built up muscle memory, you can do it rapidly.
Creating patterns can be both predictable and lazy. People often use four or five dots, start in one corner, and draw common shapes. Even worse, someone can figure out your pattern by looking over your shoulder.
Passwords that are easy to remember are also easy to guess. When people are forced to choose strong passwords, they’re more likely to either write them down or forget them. Since we use our phones many times a day, it is not convenient to type in a password every time you unlock your phone.
The most common security option on most devices is a Pin or passcode. A Pin is a combination of numeric characters, often four to six digits in length, depending on the phone’s operating system. Pins are preferable because they are short and can be entered quickly using the keypad. Android allows Pins of up to 16 digits. While a 16-digit Pin is exceptionally secure, it’s tough to remember.
Four-digit Pin
Most people are more likely to choose a four-digit Pin, which has 10 thousand combinations. It’s unlikely anyone will guess the Pin if you don’t use something obvious like 1234.
Due to the fallibility of passwords, facial recognition, fingerprint and iris scanning give users a faster and more convenient way to access their phones.
Fingerprint recognition is more secure than Pin and password authentication methods. It isn’t easy to hack a fingerprint scanner, and recent developments in scanning technology have further improved its security.
When it comes to facial recognition solutions, technology remains facial recognition’s biggest drawback. Comparatively, fewer devices support this feature, and those that handle facial recognition have a slightly higher price than devices without facial recognition features.
Because iris recognition does not require physical contact with the sensor, it is less intrusive than other touch biometrics. The scanners can be used in any setting and lighting condition because they use infrared light.
The most secure authentication method is iris scanning, but it isn’t perfect. In the meantime, combining biometrics and non-biometrics methods is the best option. It could involve scanning the face and typing a Pin or password.
Mr Wambugu is an informatician. [email protected] : @Samwambugu2