Emphasise on food rather than cash crops

A Kenyan farmer picking tea. Many farmers are always looking forward to growing the cash crops that are being exported not knowing this increases the food insecurities in the country.
Over many years, agriculture has been subjected to different scientific and technological advancements, thus bigger improvement in the sector.
Agriculture plays a vital role in the food production industry and is also the most available employment opportunity to the youth. The government should put more effort into this sector to ensure that is more stable.
In different parts of the country, Kenyans usually experience low food supply that's hunger leading to malnutrition in infancy, pain and suffering later on death.
This also has increased the number of criminal activities. To curb this food situation, the government should put more effort into growing food crops than cash crops.
Many farmers are always looking forward to growing the cash crops that are being exported not knowing this increases the food insecurities in the country.
If they put more effort into cultivating land for food crops that is not for export, they will sell these products locally. That will ensure that the country has enough food reserves in case of food shortage in terms of calamities such as floods earthquakes and drought.
Speaking of the people living in arid and semi-arid places, they should be encouraged to plant more trees, plant drought-resistant crops which is compatible with the climate pattern.
Small-scale farming
The Ministry of Agriculture should now encourage people to try and practice also small-scale farming that will entail the growing of food crops, which will sustain them not just running out for government food donations in times of hunger.
This will also need good storage and good eating habits. Some people eat as if tomorrow does not exist. This habit should stop; they should take the preferred amount not just all. This will enable people to save food for future usage.
The other methods that can be employed to improve food production include bringing more land under cultivation so as to fully utilise the lands, ensuring that there's a sufficient supply of seeds and fertilisers, and encouraging the use of irrigation schemes in arid and semi-arid areas.
Lastly, offer educational programmes to farmers about agriculture and reduce taxation on farm implements and equipment.
I urge people to start practising small-scale farming in their homes so that we can curb hunger. Also, they should put more effort into the growing of food Crops than the cash crop.
This will increase the food supply in the country and every family will have enough food to sustain themselves for a period of time, especially during the drought.
Ezekiel Sibiyia, Migori