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Have floods humanitarian assistance plan

Tana River floods

Boys swimming in stagnant waters that brought by floods that cut off a section of the road at Madogo in Tana River County that leads to Garissa town on December 18, 2023.

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

As it continues to rain heavily, as forecast by the Kenya Meteorological Department, several people have died with many others displaced as a result of flooding in different parts of the country. 

According to the Met, Nairobi, Kiambu, western Kenya, Nyanza and the coastal region are expected to experience heavy rains this month.

Last month, at least 10 people died in floods as a result of heavy rainfall in Nairobi while several families were displaced amid the destruction of homes and other property. Torrential rains in Mwea, Kirinyaga County, submerged homes, rendering 700 people from three villages homeless as the Thiba River broke its banks.

The floods also destroyed rice paddies in the local irrigation scheme and submerged business premises. As the heavy rains continue, those living near rivers and lakes should take precautions and be prepared for the possibility of flooding as the chances of breaking their banks are very high.

Meanwhile, the government should set up rescue centres and deploy emergency services for those people in flood-prone areas. That will ensure nobody is killed, injured or displaced in case of flooding and also offer guidance and counselling services to those traumatised by the catastrophe.

The government should also set aside emergency funds to cater for such cases and ease. Humanitarian assistance should be readily available.

Godfrey Wafula, Busia