What became of DP Ruto's overconfidence?

William Ruto

Deputy President William Ruto. 

Photo credit: Cheboite Kigen | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • The wheels of justice are “frustratingly slow”, says Thomas Yebei.
  • In Rwanda, motorcyclists are famed for being disciplined, says Eliab Otiato.

Running scared • After chest-thumping that even if his archrival Raila Odinga’s brother, Dr Oburu Oginga, were the IEBC chairperson he would still win the presidency, Deputy President William Ruto has changed tune, remarks Stephen Masambu. “He’s now running around scared, telling the world that the August 9 election has been rigged. What became of his overconfidence?” His contact is [email protected].


Justice delayed • The wheels of justice are “frustratingly slow”, says Thomas Yebei. The 2017 Moi Nairobi Girls School dormitory fire case ended recently; the verdict for ex-Laikipia North MP Mathew Lempurkel’s assault was delivered last year, since 2016; and Ben Gethi was convicted this month for a 2013 IEBC tender scam. Can CJ Martha Koome explain why simple cases take so long?” His contact is [email protected].


Accuracy • Conceding that he could just be paranoid, Brian Maitai is disturbed about the two-gramme pack of seeds sold at East African Seed Company on Kijabe Street, Nairobi. “One cannot count the minuscule seeds, obviously. But by pressing the pack between two fingers, you can tell that the density is much less. Can they, please, explain this apparent anomaly?” His contact is [email protected].


Super skivers • In Rwanda, motorcyclists are famed for being disciplined, says Eliab Otiato. In Kenya, the problem is the traffic police, who don’t seem bothered about the flouting of rules by boda boda riders. “Those charged with enforcing law and order on the roads should do their work. Let the government not pretend to be serious after a nasty incident.” His contact is [email protected].


Thug sector • The boda boda sub-sector “plays a very important role in the economy”, says Opiyo Oduwo, who however laments that it has been infested with robbers and thugs. “Most of them are rude, inexperienced and don’t obey traffic rules as they are a law unto themselves. The government should act fast, as it can’t be ruled by these rogue riders.” His contact is [email protected]

Have a disciplined day, won’t you!