Extending Uhuru’s term is outrageous

Uhuru Kenyatta
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Photo credit: PSCU

What you need to know:

  • If our shepherds can stoop this low, I shudder to think how much lower political wolves will.

Bishops’ call • The call by some evangelical bishops for the extension of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s tenure to complete the BBI, Robert Mukirae remarks, is “sacrilegious, outrageous, appalling and disgraceful!” He adds: “These ‘servants of the Lord’ seem to be beholden to Caesar. If our shepherds can stoop this low, I shudder to think how much lower political wolves will.” His contact is [email protected].


Skills • Before Kenya Airways acquired several Boeing 737 Dreamliner aircraft some years back, John Nyaga recalls, its engineers and pilots were sent to the US for training to service and fly them. “But when the Chinese built the SGR, they delivered the locomotives together with drivers and mechanics. Are these trains more sophisticated than the Dreamliners?” His contact is [email protected].

Performance • The sharply contrasting performances of two key players in the energy sector have baffled Carey Yiembe, who wishes experts could shed light on this. “KenGen sold electricity to Kenya Power, making a handsome profit. Kenya Power then sold it to consumers and made huge losses, yet it’s a monopoly. What is going on?” His contact is [email protected].


Blackout • Almost a year since Kenya Power installed a generator in Banisa Sub-County in faraway Mandera, Abdi Hillow laments, not a day passes without a blackout. Sometimes, there’s no electricity for up to two weeks. Residents, he adds, think the staff are not conversant with its operation or it is faulty. “Please fix the problem once and for all,” he pleads. His contact is [email protected].


Cookery • One of the most noticeable culinary changes in central Kenya, Mwangi Wanjohi says, is the tendency to put too much gravy in food. The preparation of traditional food, he explains, was mainly using arrowroots, sweet potatoes and mukimo. “Obviously, the cooks did not learn to put excess gravy in food from their ancestors.” His contact is [email protected].

Have a delicious day, won’t you!