Striking the balance between motherhood and mental health

baby and mother
Photo credit: Pool

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, it is important that we also highlight the extraordinary demands all mothers face. The demands often lead them to neglect their mental health or have them working too hard trying to keep it all together.

In an increasingly digital world, we are constantly being exposed to content and messaging telling us how easily other women are taking to motherhood; we must confront the perfection fallacies as well as talk about tools and assistance available for all mothers to reset and reclaim the beautiful journey that is motherhood.

Every mother’s experience is different, and mine has most certainly had its fair share of ups and downs. Navigating the different stages of motherhood requires you to constantly adapt and grow with your child. One minute you are swaddling your baby, the next minute you are negotiating with a teenager to get off their phone. Taking care of your mental health throughout these stages is paramount.

One of the ways a mother can take care of their mental health is by having some me-time. Taking a break to do something you enjoy like reading a book or watching a movie is a salve to the soul and to your mental wellbeing.

A very important part of being the best parent and caregiver to your child or children is to be healthy and happy as well. Practising self-care, even in a simple or small measure, can leave you feeling re-energised and ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way. 

As the common saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. Do not be afraid to ask for help from those close to you in case you are feeling overwhelmed. Building a support system with friends, family, or mum communities can be a good way for you to seek advice on things you are uncertain about or just to simply have an outlet to express yourself. 

Learning your boundaries can also be very essential in maintaining the balance between mental health and motherhood. This could mean saying no to commitments or activities that do not align with your priorities. It is important that you learn to communicate your needs to your family, friends and partner to ensure that they understand your limits and can support you in every way possible. 

Anxiety and stress 

Societal norms and expectations also need to be adjusted to support mothers’ mental health. Flexibility in the workplace when it comes to maternity leaves, and work-from-home options can assist in easing anxiety and stress for new mothers. 

I am glad to be part of Safaricom, an organisation that has and continues to update policies that cater for the needs of mothers and particularly during the pregnancy period and after delivery.

We have a maternity policy that allows mothers to have four months of fully paid maternity leave and upon return to work, the employee can work for six hours per day for six months. This allows new mothers more time to bond with their babies while still being productive at work. Our hybrid working model further supports working mums to be present at home.

Safaricom also has crèche facilities for working parents who need a safe and nurturing environment for their children while they are at work. The crèche has caretakers and teachers who ensure that the children are well taken care of as their parents focus on the workday. The office also has fully equipped lactation rooms to allow mothers private spaces for expressing and storing milk.

These policies have enabled many of us mothers to more easily transition back to work even after maternity leaves. This and the mental health support options provided ensure that as mothers, we can find the equilibrium to manage the constant tug and pull between work and being a mother.

You will make mistakes, but children are resilient, and, in their eyes, you are always the heroine. If you are struggling to find that joy in motherhood or in navigating the motherhood journey, talk to your loved ones and seek extra support. Consider getting help from an expert.

Being a mother is a special journey, ensure you take care of yourself along the ride. Happy Mother’s Day!

Ms Kropac is Chief Enterprise Business Officer, Safaricom PLC