A sustainable partnership for our future generations

President William Ruto and First Lady Rachel with Dutch King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima in The Hague

President William Ruto and First Lady Rachel (left) with Dutch King Willem Alexander (second right) and Queen Maxima (right) in The Hague, the Netherlands in June.

Photo credit: Courtesy | PCS

In preparation for my visit to Kenya, I learnt about the notion of ‘Pamoja’ (Together) that is so deeply embedded in Kenyan culture and so badly needed in our world today.

Because today’s challenges can only be met together, by embracing each other’s perspectives, and by taking joint responsibility. It is in this spirit that I am visiting Kenya this week: To work on a sustainable and equal partnership based on shared interests and values. Only then can we address our challenges. 

Among them is the challenge of keeping our continents safe. In Kenya, you can feel the war that is raging in Europe, and Europeans similarly feel the impact of instability in the Horn of Africa. Here, we must work together...and we do. For example, by hosting refugees in the region. Kenya is showing great leadership in this regard. 

Another shared interest is maintaining our multilateral system. Kenya’s voice has been strong on this matter, particularly when it comes to upholding the UN Charter. While multilateralism is an important vehicle for unity and achieving our goals, we also see the need to make this system more effective and inclusive.

Together, we want to explore how we can support UN reform processes and ensure better representation for African countries, more in line with the current demographics of our world. 

Other challenges include climate change and the energy transition. Here, I strongly believe we hold the key to a more sustainable future: While Europe can offer technology and investments, Africa not only possesses critical resources but also generates many innovative ideas.

From a broader perspective, the Netherlands invests in strengthening economic relations—for example by taking a leading role in sustainable digitalisation and in agriculture. The aim is to ensure that everyone benefits.

At their closest point, Africa and Europe are just 14 kilometres apart, a distance that poses no real barrier to today’s challenges. Cooperation, too, can easily cross that divide. President William Ruto’s visits to Europe and the Netherlands are proof of this. 

We have a solid foundation to build on. The EU is Africa’s main trading partner and investor. The Netherlands is the second-largest export destination for Kenya.

This relationship presents tremendous opportunities. Yet to bring our partnership to the next level, more needs to be done. Listening to each other’s views is of crucial value. That’s why we have also initiated a structured dialogue with African think tanks. And that’s why we are eager to listen to the innovative and bold ideas of young Africans who can be true drivers of change. 

“We all share one planet and one humanity, there is no escaping this reality” is how your esteemed compatriot, Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai, described what binds us.

The Netherlands wants to protect these invaluable resources by investing together with you in tomorrow’s generation and ensuring that the world they inherit is livable, prosperous and safe. That’s the basis of the sustainable partnership that we would like to engage in with you.

Mr Hoekstra is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands. [email protected]. @DutchMFA