Jeremia John's mother Ms Enes Mboka Munyala. Photo/JACOB OWITI
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Ms Ruth Anyoso commonly known as Chokora whose late sister Baby also had mental illness. Ruth sells Tomatoes at Lwanda Market. Photo/JACOB OWITI
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A mentally ill person in Luanda Market. Psychiatrist Lukoye Atwoli has dismissed the myth that Luanda town in Vihiga County has the highest number of mentally ill persons in the country. Photo/JACKOB OWITI
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Amanuel Specialised Mental Hospital CEO Dr Dawit Assefa talks to the Nation on the integration of reproductive health and mental health in Addis Ababa. Photo/CORRESPONDENT
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Special Government Advisor Dr Teola Giorgis talks about the progress of mental health in Ethiopia. Photo/CORRESPONDENT
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Sister Gera Work Ermias, she heads the reproductive health unit at the Amanuel Mental Hospital. The health facility is the only referral facility in the country and has integrated reproductive health services like family planning in the treatment and management of mental health. Photo/CORRESPONDENT
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A mural done by patients at Amanuel Specialised Mental Hospital as part of an anti-smoking strategy to discourage patients from the dangerous habit. Photo/CORRESPONDENT
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Gardening done by patients at the Amanuel Specialised Mental Hospital spelling out the hospital name as part of their agricultural engagements. Photo/CORRESPONDENT
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The writer, Joy Wanja Muraya, sits infront of the Amanuel Specialised Mental Hospital signboard at the gate listing the mental health services offered at the facility in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Photo/CORRESPONDENT
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Amanuel Orthodox Church that neighbours Amanuel Specialised Mental Hospital. The Mental Referral Hospital got its name from this church where majority of residents in Katama region worship. Photo/CORRESPONDENT
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Jeremia John's mother Ms Enes Mboka Munyala stands outside her son's house at her home near Lwanda market. Photo/JACOB OWITI
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The busy Luanda Market held on Mondays and Thursdays. Psychiatrist Lukoye Atwoli has dismissed the myth that Luanda has the highest prevalence of mental illness in the country. Photo/CORRESPONDENT
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The pavement along Amanuel Specialised Hospital on the busy road that also serves as a home to homeless persons in the area. Photo/CORRESPONDENT
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Ms Rachel Owate of Amukhula Smart shop at Lwanda market in Vihiga who was a friend to a mentally ill lady known as Kobole. She used to assit Kobole with food and other effects. Photo/JACOB OWITI
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The pavement along Amanuel Specialised Hospital on the busy road that also serves as a home to homeless persons in the area. Photo/CORRESPONDENT
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The wall at the entrance of Amanuel Specialised Mental Hospital that borrows religious scriptures from the Orthodox Church. Photo/CORRESPONDENT
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Sister Gera Work Ermias explains the family planning methods at the Amanuel Specialised Mental Hospital reproductive health services unit. Family planning has ben integrated in the treatment of patients at the hospital for those who need the services. Photo/CORRESPONDENT
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Condoms that are made available to patients at Amanuel Specialised Mental Hospital. Photo/CORRESPONDENT