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'Armed men' hijack Papua New Guinea plane, steal baggage

A cargo plane. A charter airline in Papua New Guinea said armed men hijacked one of its planes, forced the pilot to fly to an unused airstrip before making off with the cargo. FILE PHOTO | FOTOSEARCH

What you need to know:

  • A charter airline in Papua New Guinea said armed men hijacked one of its planes, forced the pilot to fly to an unused airstrip.
  • The Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary confirmed they are now investigating the incident.


A charter airline in Papua New Guinea on Tuesday said armed men hijacked one of its planes, forced the pilot to fly to an unused airstrip before making off with the cargo.

Tropicair told AFP that eight armed men approached the plan as it was refuelling in Gasmata, on the island of New Britain and forced him to take off.

A company spokesman said there were no other passengers on board.

"Upon arrival at the airstrip, the armed men stole the baggage and cargo that was on board the aircraft and fled the area," Matthew Brutnall said.

"The Captain was not injured during this event and the aircraft was not damaged" and has since been returned to Port Moresby.

The Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary confirmed they are now investigating the incident.