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Mudavadi concedes defeat in presidential contest

The United Democratic Forum presidential candidate Musalia Mudavadi has conceded defeat.

He said it was now clear that there are two frontrunners in the elections namely Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga.

"In every elections, there is a winner and a loser. Amani is not that winner," Mr Mudavadi said during a news conference at the alliance headquarters in Nairobi Friday.

"This election has not been about an individual. This election has been about all Kenyans making their leadership choices for the country. Up to this point, it is clear the choice of Kenyans for the presidency is between two formations – the Jubilee and Cord coalitions," said Mr Mudavadi.

Mr Mudavadi said he had called Mr Odinga and Mr Kenyatta to congratulate them on their good performance and that he was ready to work with the winner.

"The gist of our conversation has been to impress on them the need to ensure that we remain peaceful and that the country is not ruptured by whichever way the outcome of the on going presidential tally goes," he said.

He said the presidential candidates may have misgivings about the conduct of the elections but impressed upon Mr Odinga and Mr Kenyatta that "Kenya is bigger than the sum total of presidential candidates and our supporters’ wishes".

"I have therefore reminded them that we made a pledge to the country to keep the peace whatever the outcome of the elections," he said.

He thanked his supporters for doing "your best" and "keeping the peace".

"To my supporters, you did your best and as in every competition there will be a winner. We are not that winner for now and I appeal to you to keep the faith as we look to the future with hope," he said.

"We must now join other Kenyans and be part of building our institutions in accordance with the new Constitution for the country to move on. We want to all move ahead and write a new, brighter chapter in our country's history."

In his conversation with Mr Odinga and Mr Kenyatta, Mr Mudavadi said he had urged them to "manage the emotions" of their supporters so that the prevailing peace is not compromised.

"I have particularly requested my brothers Raila and Uhuru not to allow any statements from within their ranks that will be misconstrued and hence lead to break-up of the prevailing civic order," he said.

He appealed to Kenyans to remain calm and maintain peace as the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) completes tallying of votes and announces final results.

He also urged IEBC to "do everything possible not to be seen to cause anxiety or to precipitate contention on the final results through acts of omission or commission in the tallying of results".