You have until February 28 to register for Grade 6 exams

Kenya National Examinations Council David Njeng’ere.
The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) has announced the opening of registration for candidates in Grade 6, beginning January 27 to February 28, 2025.
The Grade 6 candidates sit the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) at the end of primary school, before joining junior school.
They do it alongside learners with special needs, who follow a stage-based curriculum since they cannot follow the regular one.
This last group sits in the Kenya Intermediate Level Education Assessment (KILEA).
In a statement on Saturday, Knec CEO David Njengere said candidates presented for assessment must meet eligibility criteria.
He warned that registering ghost candidates constitutes an assessment malpractice, which could lead to the deregistration of schools involved.
“All learners who are in Grade 6 will be registered afresh for the assessment through the KPSEA registration portal which will be accessible between 27, January and 28, February 2025,” he said.
Learners in Grade 6 are required to register for KPSEA, an assessment designed to evaluate their competencies as they transition to junior secondary school.
The process involves verifying key details, including names, birth certificates, and other necessary documentation, to ensure accuracy in registration.
“Correction of candidate’s bio-data must be effected during registration to ensure accuracy of the data submitted including the correct spelling and order of learners’ names as documented in their birth certificates, gender, year of birth, citizenship, religious education option registered for and category of special need and disabilities,” he said.
Dr Njengere further directed that the transfer of candidates should be concluded before the closure of the registration portal on February 28, 2025, to ensure a smooth and transparent registration process.
“No transfer will be allowed thereafter, further the transfer process must be done online, to avoid duplication of candidates. Eligible KPSEA candidates who are not registered in the grade 6 portal must be registered in Grade 6 portal first to be assigned the assessment number. Learners without an assessment number will not be able to register for KPSEA,” he said.
Furthermore, he stated that schools with fewer than five candidates will not be allowed to register candidates for the 2025 KPSEA as independent assessment centres.
He added that assessment centres with fewer than thirty candidates will be hosted at venues identified by the sub-County directors of education.
“Schools with less than 5 learners will not be allowed to register candidates for the 2025 KPSEA as independent assessment centers. Such schools are advised to liaise with their respective sub-County directors of Education to identify approved Knec assessment centers with more than 5 candidates for registration of their learners,” he said.
Dr Njengere revealed that school fees will be paid by the government with non-citizens paying via the e-citizen portal
“The government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education will pay for the assessment fees for all learners in public and private schools except for those who are not Kenyan citizens who wish to sit for KPSEA and KILEA will be required to pay sh750,” he said.
However, he said identification of learners following the stage based pathway who are to be registered for KILEA shall be guided by the teachers handling the learners, upon confirmation of the learner’s readiness to sit for the assessment.
“Knec reserves the right to deregister and or place an assessment center and its candidates in another Centre if deemed necessary, as provided for in the Knec rules and regulations,” he said.
He further directed that all centre managers to ensure that parents/guardians of KPSEA candidates consent to the collection of personal data of their learners and that they shall inform them that the data is being collected and would will be used on the assessment.