KCSE examiners boycott marking at Upper Hill
What you need to know:
The Kenya Post Primary Education Teacher’s Union officials were on Friday barred from entering the centre.
On Friday, Knec CEO Mercy Karogo told Kuppet the council had addressed the teachers’ grievances and marking had resumed.
Teachers have boycotted marking of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Physics practical at Upper Hill High School, Nairobi.
The examiners, who are demanding better pay, have been on a go slow since Thursday, forcing Kenya National Examination Council (Knec) to hold a series of crisis meetings to calm the situation.
The Kenya Post Primary Education Teacher’s Union (Kuppet) officials were on Friday barred from entering the centre.
Kuppet Deputy Secretary-General Moses Nthurima said despite being subjected to long hours of marking, the teachers were getting little pay.
Mr Nthurima said teachers in most of the marking centres have boycotted the exercise due to poor pay and alleged threats from their seniors and the exam council. He said the teachers were paid Sh46 per script marked.
On Friday, Knec CEO Mercy Karogo told Kuppet the council had addressed the teachers’ grievances and marking had resumed.
“We have already talked with teachers are we are addressing their issues to ensure that marking goes on,” Dr Karogo said.
However, Kuppet alleged the teachers were being intimidated and subjected to a harsh working environment.
“We want to be called on a negotiation table to discuss examiners’ pay, the minimum pay per paper should be increased to Sh100 per script marked,” he said. Kuppet Chairman Omboko Milemba said teachers should not be forced to sleep on students’ beds.
“Teachers cannot be treated like students, Knec should look for good hotels or better institutions with better accommodation facilities for examiners,” said Mr Milemba.
On Wednesday, Kuppet Secretary-General Akelo Misori accused Knec of threatening to sack some examiners who boycotted the marking exercise over better pay.
“We urge the exam council to drop such unfounded threats and address the examiners’ grievances,” he said.
Kuppet wants the teachers marking exams to be paid a standard amount for all papers.