Higher Education PS Beatrice Inyangala (left), Education PS Belio Kipsang (centre) and Education CS Julius Ogamba during the release of the 2024 KCSE results at Mitihani House in Nairobi on January 9, 2025.
A total of 48,333 candidates scored a mean grade of E in the 2024 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations, marking a slight increase from the 48,174 candidates who recorded the same grade in 2023.
There were more males than females who scored the lowest grade in the examination, totalling 28,221, while females accounted for 20,112 grade Es. Candidates who score a mean grade of E are eligible to undertake artisan courses.
In 2023, females who scored an E numbered 19,960, compared to 28,214 males who received the same grade.
In the 2024 KCSE exams, the distribution of students scoring an E varied significantly across different school categories. Sub-county schools had the highest number of students scoring an E, with 40,369 students, which accounts for a staggering 83.52 per cent of the total students in these schools.
Private Schools followed with 5,782 students (11.96 per cent) scoring an E, while County Schools had 1,906 students (3.94 per cent) receiving the same grade.
The figures were much lower in National Schools, where only 161 students (0.33 per cent) scored an E, and in Extra County Schools, where 115 students (0.24 per cent) received an E.
This data highlights the stark contrast in performance, with Sub-County Schools showing a disproportionately high percentage of students at the lowest grade, while National and Extra County Schools had significantly fewer students in this category.
Of 962,512 candidates 1,693 (0.18 per cent) candidates obtained an overall grade A in the year 2024 KCSE examination compared to 1,216 (0.14 per cent) candidates in 2023.
The number of candidates with direct university entry qualification of grade C+ and above was 246,391 (25.53 per cent) in the year 2024 28 KCSE examination compared to 201,133 (22.27 per cent) in 2023.
This can be attributed to the new grading system. The number of candidates with grade C- (TVET Diploma) and above was 476,889 (49.41 per cent) in the year 2024 KCSE examination compared to 401,216 (44.42 per cent) in 2023.
The number of candidates attaining a pass grade (grade D+ and above) was 605,774 (62.76 per cent) in the year 2024 KCSE examination compared to 526,222 (58.27 per cent) in 2023.
“In the 2024 KCSE exams, 17 subjects showed significant improvement in performance, including Mathematics Alternative A and B, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, General Science, History and Government, Geography, IRE, Agriculture, Woodwork, Metal Work, Drawing & Design, Aviation Technology, Computer Studies, Kenyan Sign Language, and Business Studies. However, 10 subjects, such as English, Kiswahili, CRE, and Music, saw a decline in performance. Female candidates outperformed males in English, Kiswahili, Kenyan Sign Language, French, Home Science, CRE, and Art & Design. Conversely, males performed better in 23 subjects, including Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Business Studies,” said Education Cabinet Secretary Julius Ogamba.