Kibaki assents to anti-terror bill

President Kibaki has assented to the Prevention of Terrorist Act 2012 to make it Kenya's first legislation on acts of terrorism after two unsuccessful attempts.

Civil society and Muslim human rights groups have, over the years, led campaigns against such law, forcing the government to withdraw the Suppression of Terror Bill, 2003 and the Anti-Terrorism Bill, 2006 from Parliament.

The Act defines terrorism as “an act or threat of action that involves death, serious bodily harm, serious damage to property, endangers a person’s life, creates serious risk to the safety and health of the public, involves use of firearms or explosives”, among others. (READ: Fear of police listening in on phone calls turns Muslims against anti-terror Bill)

The President has also assented the to the National Transport and Safety Authority Act, 2012.

The Act establishes the National Transport and Safety Authority that will harmonize transport functions currently being discharged by the Transport Licensing Board, the National Road Safety Council, Registrar of Motor Vehicles, the Motor Vehicle Inspection Department and the Road Department of the Ministry of Roads.

The functions of the Authority shall include advising and making recommendations to the Cabinet Secretary for transport on matters relating to road transport and safety, implementing policies relating to road transport and safety, planning, managing and regulating the road transport system and ensuring the provision of safe reliable and efficient road transport services.