Hundreds of empty seats at Kasarani during Jamhuri fete
As President Uhuru Kenyatta led Kenyans to mark the 54th Jamhuri Day at Kasarani, there were a notable number of empty seats in the stadium.
Only a small section of the 60,000-seater stadium was occupied.
Social media users were quick to point out what appeared to be a sparse crowd during the national fete. Using the hashtag #JamhuriDay and #EmptyKasarani, Kenyans on Twitter gave their insights on the crowd size.
“So you expect Kasarani stadium to be full when a man eating githeri in a queue earns HSC while doctors who worked hard to separate the conjoined twins only received a hand shake!” Ali Noor @Owenitoz posted on Twitter.
“How is President Uhuru Kenyatta feeling presiding over an empty stadium in Kasarani? Until we all realise there is a problem and Raila Odinga controls 3/4 of our population, we won’t find a solution. The most boring and poorly celebrated Jamhuri Day,” Vincent Opar @realVincentOpar pointed out.
“Kasarani stadium is 90% police and 10% civilians. Kenyans are tired of being addressed by a plan full president with no performance.” ADmiral @terrylseedz said.
Lloyd Onyango @lloydOnyango observed that, “There is no KUMIRA KUMIRA at Kasarani! The voting algorithm is also not there to fill the empty stadium!” Kumira kumira was a slogan in the Kikuyu language chanted to encourage maximum voter turn-out during the election period.
“Did I see an half empty Kasarani stadium? Well, that's what happens when you kill your people. Happy Jamhuri Day my country.” Casmily @Casmily_ posted on Twitter.
“That crowd at Kasarani Stadium could fit at Ruto's Sugoi home or Uhuru's Gatundu. Next time please don't misuse public property,” SGI_Oriaro @sgoriaro48 said of the numbers that turned up for the fete.
Rein @Asamoh_ pointed out, “Kasarani is not empty. Only 2000 were biometrically identified the rest manually attended via portal.”
Carrington Mwendwa @CarringtonMwen1 had a word of advice. “If you thought Kasarani was that bad, wait until you see Machakos county. It was as if the county commissioner was preaching in church. Tough times indeed,” he said.
But llins Collins @llinscollins had a pertinent question, he posted, “I wonder why everyone is complaining of Jamhuri Day attendance at Kasarani. Whom did you expect to see there and we were all on Twitter?”