To lose weight in a healthy way, slow down on the juice fasts

Photo credit: Pool

What you need to know:

  • These are actually withdrawal symptoms from the caffeine, sugar, nicotine and alcohol that you are now cutting out. Taking lots of water does help.

  • You may also feel weak due to the lowered calorie intake. If you suffer from diarrhoea, however, you should stop immediately, as it can lead to dehydration and electrolyte loss. 

A liquid diet made up entirely of fruit and vegetables has got to be the most efficient way to lose weight, right? Hmm...not quite. Turns out, whatever weight you lose, you'll put it back on as soon as you start eating solids again. By consuming too few calories to support your energy needs, your body thinks that it’s starving and slows down its metabolic rate. So, not only do you put on the weight when you start eating solids again, but the rate at which you burn them off is slower than before you went on the diet!

If you want to go on a juice fast as a way to detox, here’s what should you know. First, you have to be pretty committed. You will get hungry. Very hungry. I tried it for a day and nearly gnawed off my own arm. I drank fresh carrot juice after starting my day with porridge and still felt like a ravenous rodent by 4pm. Most of those who go on a juice fast also experience an excruciating migraine-like headache known as a "detox headache”. These are actually withdrawal symptoms from the caffeine, sugar, nicotine and alcohol that you are now cutting out. Taking lots of water does help. You may also feel weak due to the lowered calorie intake. If you suffer from diarrhoea, however, you should stop immediately, as it can lead to dehydration and electrolyte loss. 

I'm not sure that juice fasting is healthy. Despite all the vitamins you’re getting from all the fresh fare, you’re also exposing your body to lots of fructose, particularly if the juice is mostly fruit. A 250ml bottle of orange juice contains about three times as much fructose as a whole orange.

While fructose doesn’t inflate levels of sugar or insulin in your body, it does raise levels of blood fats called triglycerides, which is a risk factor for heart disease. Fructose also lowers leptin – a hormone that has appetite-suppressing effects and is believed to play an important part in the regulation of food intake.