Say goodbye to cellulite naturally with our inside out tips

Say goodbye to cellulite naturally with our inside out tips. Photo | Photosearch

What you need to know:

  • If cellulite were just fat, then banishing it would be simple – one would simply eat less
  • But it’s not about that at all – it’s about eating the right things, since cellulite is actually deposited beneath the skin’s surface

As bikini season approaches, the number of us looking for creams, wraps and other expensive high-tech treatments to get rid of that dreaded orange-peel is on the up. If cellulite were just fat, then banishing it would be simple – one would simply eat less. But it’s not about that at all – it’s about eating the right things, since cellulite is actually deposited beneath the skin’s surface.

There is no need to embark on a strict diet, forfeiting your favourite foods. Just try to incorporate the following nutrients into your normal regime as often as possible. The great thing about this plan is that, in a just few months, not only does the quality of your skin on your legs improve, but so does your skin everywhere else. 


Imagine a nutrient that can give you glowing, youthful skin that is simply too strong for cellulite to show through. This is where lecithin comes in - the crucial building block in cell walls. Eating lecithin-rich foods daily can directly restore integrity of cell walls in your skin’s deep layer (the dermis), helping to make them watertight. Daily servings of eggs, soy, spinach, cauliflower, peanuts, iceberg lettuce and apples are essential. 

Essential fats

Essential fats draw in water to dehydrated cells, while creating a watertight barrier and thus preventing further water loss. These fats are the oil that lubricates the body’s processes. Eat plenty of oily fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring etc), walnuts, Brazil nuts and olives. At the same time, avoid foods containing unhealthy saturated or trans-fats such as cakes, biscuits, chocolate and fast food - these foods are loaded with empty calories and also compromise circulation.

Amino acids 

Eating a regular supply of amino acids from lean protein foods is vital if your body is going to produce collagen and elastin that makes up connective tissue. Meat, poultry, fish and eggs all contain good amounts of these nine essential amino acids you need. 


Antioxidants are vital in their ability to prevent the dermis and epidermis damage that eventually leads to lumps and dimples. All fruit and vegetables provide a good supply of antioxidants, with berries and citrus fruit coming out top. As a rule, the darker and brighter the colour of the food, the more densely packed it is with beneficial nutrients.


Rainbow-coloured, antioxidant-rich fruit and vegetables, combined with plenty of omega-3 rich oily fish makes for a great anti-inflammatory diet. There are a few ingredients that are even more potent: alpha linoleic acid (ALA) and gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Food sources of include beans and peas, fruit, wheatgerm, broccoli and spinach.  

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