Home remedies to manage recurrent boils

PHOTO | FILE Shower twice a day using an iodine wash or soap to prevent boils from recurring.

Boils are dreaded skin infections. They result from deep bacterial infections of the hair follicle. Boils are common in healthy young adults aged between 15 to 30 years.

The boil causing bacteria is carried under fingernails and the nose. People who carry this organism are prone to recurrent attacks, over several months. Proper hygiene is one way to ensure you don’t get a boil.

Boils appear as painful, hard red swellings with a defined centre. Pus and debris are discharged from this area. Upon healing, a deep scar forms. Boils can form anywhere on the body but they will mostly appear where there are hair follicles. They are also common on areas of friction such as the inner thighs and buttocks.

Boil prevention hygiene:

  • Shower twice daily using an iodine wash or soap. You may add a capful of iodine to your bath water.
  • Shampoo hair frequently using iodine mixed with shampoo.
  • Change underwear, bed sheets, and towels daily. Launder them with hot water and detergent.
  • Keep nails short and clean.
  • Treat with antibacterial creams and lotions.

The writer is the national director, Safe Skincare Initiative and a beauty therapy lecturer. Any questions? Email: [email protected]