Pet hack: How to get rid of fleas

Cat and dog.

Fleas are one of the recurrent issues that pet owners have to deal.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

Fleas are one of the recurrent issues that pet owners have to deal with hence one of the most asked questions by Pawrenting readers. Without proper prevention and treatment, fleas can easily infest pets and homes due to their rapid reproduction rate and their cleverly evolved life cycles.

Pets get fleas and ticks from their surroundings. They pick them on the trails during walks and if you have chicken, it is easy for them to get transferred to your pets. A flea is around three to four millimetres long, black or copper brown in colour and looks like a flattened version of ants. It is usually the size of a head of a pin. Pets that are infested will have little black specks on their fur that look like black pepper. The black specks are flea dirt or faecal matter and some dry blood where the flea sucked the pet.

Flea infestation

You will know your pet has ticks and fleas from their incessant scratching, licking and chewing off fur. It can feel overwhelming when you have a flea infestation in your home and on your pets. But with time, effort and a medicated effective flea treatment, you can manage to rid them completely.

Pet flea control comes in oral or topical treatment. Research and educate yourself on the products available in the market then talk to your veterinarian on the best option for you and your pet.

Flea baths are one of the temporary solutions to killing fleas. It is effective because it kills all the fleas on your pet but it does not prevent fleas from quickly returning. Also, the chemicals in flea baths over time become harsh to your pet.

Flea control treatment

To end an infestation, use an effective flea control treatment on your pet for at least three months in a row. For the best results, keep your pet on a flea control product all year round.

Once you have treated your pet, work on their surroundings. Fleas’ eggs, larvae and pupae are usually found on your pet’s bedding, carpets, hardwood floors and furniture. Clean all these areas thoroughly and treat your home with products designed to kill fleas.

Treating your pet is the most effective measure as your pet is the host and what allows the fleas to continue their life cycle.

Maryanne is a pet owner. [email protected]