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Peace brings out the best in a man

Happy man

Peace is not ignoring the storms of life, but – like an eagle rising above rough and ruinous weather – it is beating winds and one’s wings to reach and inhabit an internal higher dimension.

Photo credit: Igah | Nation Media Group

Peace. The state of being devoid of internal strife and turmoil. Peace is not ignoring the storms of life, but – like an eagle rising above rough and ruinous weather – it is beating winds and one’s wings to reach and inhabit an internal higher dimension.

Peace. If only women knew how big a deal this little thing is to a man, they would hold onto it for dear life. Some marriages need professional therapy. Others need peace. 

Peace is a transferrable energy. Have you ever been near someone and felt an inexplicable overwhelming sense of calm? They never uttered a word. Being in close proximity is all it took to feel at peace. It was what was inside them that connected to what’s inside you.

Babies and some pets, like cats, have the ability to sense human internal energies. Several years ago, I read an article about cats in a hospice that could sense when a patient was about to die. When cats curled next to patients to comfort them, the caregivers would know the Grim Reaper was around the corner. 

Enough about feline friends. Yup. I’m Kenya’s numero uno “purr-pa”.

Peace causes a man to prosper in his trade. A man will bring home the bacon, even if his home resembles a warzone. He is bringing home the bacon because it is his duty to provide it. That’s his default setting. But when a man has peace, man, he will bring home drifts and litters of pigs.

Peace causes a man to be a better husband and father. When a man has peace, his wife and children experience otherworldly levels of qualities. Peace makes a man go out of his way to provide. Peace makes a man to do more than what is required of him.

Better version

Peace causes a man to be a better version of himself. When a man has peace, his internal configuration gets down to brass tacks and it downloads better versions of his DNA into his internal hard drive. Strife always brings out the worst in men. Peace does the opposite.

Peace, internal peace – which is outwardly expressed – causes a man to sleep in a boat that’s about to capsize, which is filled by grown men who are scared witless. This divine internal peace, which surpasses human understanding, causes a man to speak to demonic and defiant situations, causing them to tow his line.

There are two types of men. Those who have to return home after a hard day’s work. And those who love to return home after a hard day’s work. The former do so because of obligations. The latter do so because of an unseen power, stronger than the national grid, which lovingly pulls them home. This power’s turbines are propelled by peace.

Most men work in stressful conditions. When a home is riddled with strife, it is a man’s body that returns home; but his mind and spirit orbit other planetary bodies. 

Peace is a balm to a man’s wounded spirit. And a wounded spirit cannot excel. I have seen men do great and mighty exploits after exiting a toxic relationship. They did not get a promotion, but they acquired something better. Peace. And with this priceless commodity, they were able to change their fortunes.

An atmosphere of peace turns around a man’s health. I have seen men who got out of strife-torn relationships getting in better mental and physical shape. You take a look at their before and after pictures, and you immediately see the positive transformation. Plus, they don’t need to tell you that depression is a defeated foe.

If you’re going through strife and turmoil, I have one word for you. Shalom.