Ladies, don’t let these opportunities slip…
According to Investopedia, a window of opportunity is a short, often fleeting period during which a rare and desired action can be taken. Once the window closes, the opportunity may never come again.
Investopedia adds that in a competitive market with many participants seeking to maximise tangible or intangible value for their constituents — whether owners, other shareholders, employees, or perhaps their community — the window will shut fast as soon as a good deal is recognised. A window of opportunity can apply to a variety of situations, and sometimes they go unrecognised.
Relationships imitate the art of investing. In a relationship, we invest our time, resources and emotions in the hope that we will be profitable and be paid back in kind. Sometimes, we incur loss. Other times, we win. Often, in relationships, windows of opportunities go unrecognised and unutilised. But if they are taken by the horns, they can propel a relationship to new dimensions.
I know there are many, but the few windows of opportunity below are for my sisters. Brothers, add more in the comments section.
When your man says that he doesn’t take lunch at work, most probably it’s because he is tightening his belt so his family can have something to eat. That’s a window of opportunity for an attentive woman to pack her man some homemade lunch. After all, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
If your man works at home and often burns the midnight oil, make it a habit to wakeup at – say, 3am – and make him a hot drink. And, while at it, hold his hands and pray together. A family that prays together wins together. Surprise him with a shoulder massage as he is typing away. Pat him on the back and tell him you’re proud of him.
Men are not necessarily sloppy; it’s just that they have many balls in the air. At times, when your man’s boxers and socks are torn, it doesn’t mean he cannot take care of himself. Maybe, he is doing his math, and the money isn’t adding up. Each time he’s about to buy a pair of boxers or socks, something else comes up. Like, for instance, that textbook or an item that’s needed for CBC. That’s a window of opportunity for a caring woman to cover her husband’s nakedness.
When your man keeps going on about a gizmo, or tickets to watch a football derby, or some hard-to-get sneakers; he is inadvertently presenting you with a window of opportunity to purchase acres of real estate in his ticker. These may seem like little things, but, as India. Arie sang: “It’s in the little things and the joy they bring.”
If your man uses a laptop, or any other gadget, or a machine to earn a living and it’s constantly breaking down and messing up his work, that’s a window of opportunity for you to maximise your tangible and intangible value.
Prioritise him the next time round you come into some money; like from your chama or SACCO. This is an opportunity to corporately build wealth. Besides, because your man is the priest of the family, you are sowing seed. Your generosity will show him that you honour his hustle and financial leadership.
The thing with windows of opportunity is they are both hidden and obvious. It all depends on one’s power of perception. You gotta be discerning, sister. Perceive what others can’t perceive. Remember it’s a “competitive market”, and one woman’s cluelessness is another’s golden opportunity to cash in.