Studying man

If you can, go back to school. You're not doing this to compete with your woman, but to better yourself.

| Igah | Nation Media Group

Guide to living with a smart woman

What you need to know:

  • Be comfortable in your knowledge and in who you are.
  • Educate yourself in a field that's of interest to you.

You're polar opposites. She's a got more degrees than a thermometer. And you? Well, let's just say that, if kuvuta mkia was a subject, you'd still come dead last. 

Folks wonder; what did such a smart sister see in you? But, as that blues ballad waxes lyrical: "The heart is not so smart/Goes where it should not go."

Fellas, here are some rules on how to live with a woman who's more intelligent than you...

Peace be still

Be comfortable in your knowledge and in who you are. Internal strife, brought about by your feelings of inadequacy, will stall you. 

Ditch your feelings and the tempests that are raging against your woman's achievements. And, while you're at it, shut your external and internal ears to the voices that keep screaming that an educated woman is a dangerous being. Or, an educated woman can't live with an uneducated man. 

Lanes, lanes, lanes

Picture this. Your wife invited you to a gig. The table's full of other smart sisters who are talking about the Milky Way. 

Before you blurt about your favourite brand of milk because you want to keep up with the topic, hold your horses. Unless you are a comic, and you're trying out a new shtick. 

As Mark Twain said; "It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt."

Don't be jealous

On the contrary, be jealous for her, not of her. This is the God kind of jealousy; a jealousy that's not borne of ill-will but bodes and means well for your better half. 

This is the kind of jealousy that pushes your woman to aspire to be and do better and not put roadblocks and spikes on her career path. 

Don't be petty about it

Putting that Willy Paul's song, with the lyric which says that in heaven there are no degrees, goes to show the size of your brain. 

A petty disposition will make you remain just that; petty. If you want to soar, and not necessarily in academics, raise your level of thinking. 

Educate and elevate yourself

If you can, go back to school. You're not doing this to compete with your woman, but to better yourself. 

Educate yourself in a field that's of interest to you. It can be a field that, compared to your wife's, is seemingly small or inconsequential. You'll be surprised how your insignificant subject makes for a great conversation among highbrow folks. 

Complement your woman

This goes two ways. First, tell your woman - or show her - that she's doing great and you're proud of her. 

The other way to complement your woman is to dove-tail her. What are your strong points? 
Prime example? She's an executive at a blue-chip company, and you sell clothes in Gikomba. With your knowledge of fashion, dress her in power suits.

And, when you accompany her for corporate gigs, dress like a million bucks. Make her colleagues wonder if you sell jets for a living.