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Nyamira governor’s aides rough up, injure ‘Nation’ driver

These men said to be Nyamira Governor John Nyagarama's aides on February 28, 2018 roughed up and injured a Nation Media Group driver Erick Osoro for allegedly delaying to clear the way for their car. PHOTO | RUTH MBULA | NATION MEDIA GROUP

What you need to know:

  • Mr Osoro said he recognised the men as Governor Nyagarama's aides.
  • After the incident, journalists walked out of the function that was supposed to celebrate Mr Nyagarama's win in protest.
  • Mr Nyagarama’s office immediately issued an apology over the incident.

Aides of Nyamira Governor John Nyagarama have roughed up and injured a Nation Media Group driver for allegedly delaying to clear the way for their car.

Mr Erick Osoro had Wednesday parked his car outside a courthouse in Nyamira during the determination of a case in which the governor’s challenger wanted his victory quashed over irregularities.

During the ensuing fracas, Mr Osoro was injured on the face, jaw and chest.

"I was seated in the car and had parked the vehicle away from the courts waiting for my colleagues.

“Soon after the judgement, many people came out singing and dancing. Suddenly three men walked up to our vehicle and descended on me with all manner of blows," he said.


Mr Osoro said he recognised the men as Governor Nyagarama's aides.

"They told me to clear the way for the governor's motorcade. But two of their vehicles had already blocked my way, in front and behind and I couldn't get out," he said.

“They hit me hard on my jaws yet I have a serious toothache,” he added.

After the incident, journalists walked out of the function that was supposed to celebrate Mr Nyagarama's petition win in protest.

Mr Nyagarama’s office immediately issued an apology over the incident, but said little on whether they would apprehend the culprits.

Mr Osoro later recorded a statement at the Nyamira Police Station where he also filled a P3 form.


Nyamira County Criminal Investigations Officer Victor Thangalani condemned the attack and promised to ensure the culprits are arrested and arraigned in court.

"It is wrong to assault innocent citizens," he said.

Human right activists led by Mr Charles Ondieki condemned the assault saying it was a violation of the Constitution.

"We are very unhappy about the attack and we ask police to bring the perpetrators to book, said Mr Ondieki.

Journalists from the region have been under constant attack while covering public functions and have vowed to take legal action against perpetrators.

Last month, NTV journalist Janet Nyamwamu and Sam Omingo of The Standard newspaper were roughed up by Kisii University students while covering an event.

Mr Stanley Ongwae of The Standard newspaper, Dan Nyamanga and Dennis Kirwa who are freelancers have also been attacked.