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Tests show Nyamira soils too acidic for farming

Farmers plant tomatoes in a farm in Kisumu. Correcting soil acidity by the use of lime is the foundation of a good soil fertility programme. FILE PHOTO | NMG

What you need to know:

  • In Nyamira, continued use of acid fertilisers is responsible for the high acidity.
  • To lower the acidity, experts came up with a fertiliser blend made for Nyamira County and specifically for the maize crop.
  • Lime is a soil amendment fertiliser meant to reduce level of acidity.
  • Besides, lime does more than just correcting soil acidity and supplies essential plant nutrients, makes other essential nutrients more available and prevents some elements from being toxic to plant growth.

Most soils in Nyamira have high levels of acidity, making them unfit for farming.

An analysis done by experts found that the pH levels are low and ranges between 5-3.5 .

Soil pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity in it. The pH levels range from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral, below 7 acidic and above 7 alkaline.

The optimal pH range for most plants is between 5.5 and 7.0.

The pH levels control many chemical processes that take place in the soil, specifically, plant nutrient availability which is vital to maintain proper levels for plants to reach their full yield potential.

In Nyamira, continued use of acid fertilisers is responsible for the high acidity. The Agriculture executive, Peris Mong’are, said intensive farming over a number of years with nitrogen fertilisers has resulted in soil acidification.

The county government facilitated the analysis of the soil.

“Agriculture is the backbone of our economy and we need to invest in it to reap more,” she said.

She added knowledge of the soil and the crop is important in managing the pH for the best crop performance.

To lower the acidity, experts came up with a fertiliser blend made for Nyamira County and specifically for the maize crop.

The blended fertiliser has macro and micro nutrients.

It has measured amounts of nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, sulphur,  zinc, iron, boron, copper and manganese.
In addition, farmers received lime and top-dressing fertilisers to help boost yields.


Lime is a soil amendment fertiliser meant to reduce level of acidity.

“Correcting soil acidity by the use of lime is the foundation of a good soil fertility programme,” said the agriculture executive.

Besides, lime does more than just correcting soil acidity and supplies essential plant nutrients, makes other essential nutrients more available and prevents some elements from being toxic to plant growth.

At least 12,000 vulnerable households benefitted with the package that also included certified maize seeds.

In the last season, farmers who benefitted saw their average yields increase from four to 18-90kg bags per acre.

Mary Nyantika, one of the beneficiaries of the project, said she did not know that soils needs to be analysed to determine what is in excess and deficient in them.

“I now know it is important to feed the soil with the right nutrients,” she said.

She told the county government to ensure more trainings for farmers since agriculture is fully devolved. “And this will be possible if agriculture extension officers visit us more,” she said

County Crop officer Jacob Keror said most farmers do farming for the sake of it. He noted investing in farming is necessary and farmers need to shift from outdated traditional farming methods to modern methods, which highly rely on technology.

“For one to get high yields, you need to ensure best farming practices,” he said.