Address deaths of intern doctors

Dr Desree Moraa who is believed to have died by suicide. She was a medical intern at Gatundu Level 5 Hospital in Kiambu County.
Medics’ deaths • The deaths of intern doctors and other young medics are a source of concern to Robert Mukirae. Says he: “Depression, professional and financial frustrations have been cited as the triggers. The loss of these Grade-A students is incalculable. Instead of addressing this serious issue, the government seems only hell-bent on muzzling its critics.” His email address is [email protected].
Hypocrisy • The churches’ rejection of donations from politicians is just “hot air”, remarks W. Kimariech. “After all, they continue to welcome visits by the executives, reserve seats for them and give them space to ‘preach’ to the congregation. Church functions such as funeral services need no invitation as all the attendees are equal. Let the church be what it should be!” His contact is [email protected].
Technology • Often referred to as Africa’s Silicon Savannah, Duncan Njagi notes, “Kenya is making significant strides in its digital transformation driven by innovations such as M-Pesa”. However, the country faces challenges such as cybercrime, data privacy, and ensuring equitable access to technology, hence the need for robust infrastructure. His contact is [email protected].
Excavations • Has Mombasa now become a coastal excavation city? wonders local resident Carey Yiembe, adding: “All over the central business district and even in the residential areas, numerous trenches are being dug for the laying of pipes and cables. Isn’t there a better way of doing this than having these numerous excavation works going on throughout the year?” He can be reached through [email protected].
Celebrations • There’s nothing wrong with happily marking the completion of high school, says university don XN Iraki. “The journey from kindergarten to high school is quite complicated for students. Considering events such as Covid-19 and poverty, its end is worth celebrating, but responsibly, without burning books, as the longer part of their lives is ahead.” His contact is [email protected].
Have a joyful day, won’t you!