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Somalia seeks over $31m for Ebola response

Ebola treatment centre

A health worker wearing protective gear at an Ebola treatment facility.

Photo credit: File

Somalia said Wednesday it is seeking $31.39 million to support anticipatory action against the spread of the Ebola disease in the country.

The Ministry of Health said the money will be used to support different response activities for Ebola virus disease across the country. 

"This will ensure effective implementation of response activities aimed at protecting vulnerable populations against emerging infectious diseases," the ministry said in the Somalia National Ebola Preparedness and Response Plan developed jointly with the World Health Organization (WHO). 

The Ministry of Health said the current epidemic of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Uganda poses a relatively moderate risk of introduction of the virus into Somalia given that there is a large military contingent as part of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia and the operations of direct and daily passenger flights from Entebbe to Mogadishu.

The ministry said it has stepped up efforts aimed at strengthening the response capacities in line with the 2005 international health regulations intended to protect vulnerable communities against health emergencies.

It will establish access to a qualified diagnostic laboratory for EVD; ensure that basic infection prevention and control measures are in place in healthcare facilities and that healthcare workers are trained in appropriate infection prevention and control.