Governor Kahiga: Those undermining DP Gachagua will regret it

Mutahi Kahiga, Rigathi Gachagua

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga.

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

Politicians allied to Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua have come out with guns blazing against those perceived to be out to undermine his leadership as the battle for political supremacy in the Mt Kenya region rages.

Nyeri Governor Kahiga Mutahi, a key supporter of the DP in his Mount Kenya backyard, claimed that some powerful forces in the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party and the Kenya Kwanza government were working to bring down the DP.

"We want to make it clear that as the Mount Kenya region, we are closely monitoring the unfolding scenario and our silence should not be misconstrued as weakness by those in and out of the corridors of power," Mr Kahiga said on Friday.

He was speaking during the burial of Agnes Nyaguthii Munuhe at Kiawara Farm in Mathari, Nyeri County on Friday.

Mr Kahiga said the DP deserved respect by virtue of his office and those undermining him should think twice. 

Munuhe was the sister of Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) national chairman Patrick Karinga.

Number two

Mr Kahiga said as the seniormost politician from the Mount Kenya region and number two in the country's political and administrative pecking order, Mr Gachagua deserved respect and not the condescending approach being taken by some senior figures in government.

"The three million voters of the Mount Kenya region are quietly watching the unfolding political scenario, which is becoming increasingly clear that it is designed to undermine Mr Gachagua. But we want to assure them that when the time comes, we will make our position on the matter known," said Mr Kahiga.

 "I can assure you that those who are undermining Mr Gachagua will live to regret it because he has the support of the grassroots in the entire Mount Kenya region. You may think he is a lame duck but let it be known that he is our seniormost son in government and we will rally behind him by all means," Mr Kahiga said at the function attended by Knut Secretary General Collins Oyuu, First Vice President Malel Langat and Deputy Secretary General Ezbon Oyuu.

Mr Kahiga's position comes against the backdrop of a direct attack on Mr Gachagua by Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria over Mt Kenya politics and Friday's Limuru III conference convened by Narc party leader Martha Karua and former Ndaragwa MP Jeremiah Kioni.

Mr Kuria disagreed with Mr Gachagua over the channelling of grievances on development in Mount Kenya to the government, which the DP has demanded should go through him.

Forwarding address

“This country does not have a forwarding address to solve Kenyans can not be telling us that if you have grievances you address them through me…as who?” Mr Kuria said in an interview with Citizen TV.

It has been interpreted that the twin attacks on the DP are part of a wider plan to pull the rug out from under him in the Mount Kenya region ahead of the next general elections.

Mr Gachagua's support for one man one vote is the most controversial statement he has made so far, contradicting that of UDA top guns, which his boss (Dr Ruto) has failed to address and which has made him a political punching bag.